BaseCore Geocell for Hot Tubs | Backyard Bases Projects

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Easy & Affordable DIY Hot Tub Bases

Relax in a steaming hot tub or jacuzzi with a reliable foundation strong like concrete. Permeable BaseCore grids are just as easy to install as spa pads while locking the ground in place.
how to level ground for hot tub

All-In-One Base Solution

Why waste money on concrete and deck specialists when you can do the work yourself? With BaseCore geocell, you can lay a do-it-yourself hot tub foundation and have money left over for upgrades. Enjoy a hot tub with extra amenities and save thousands in the long run.

BaseCore only takes hours to install with common tools to get started. Simply expand the panels, rake infill material, and compact for a durable and permeable hot tub base. They’re easy to use like spa pads but reinforce the ground itself rather than lay on the dirt.

A Stronger Solution to Concrete, Pads, and Gravel

By supporting your hot tub with BaseCore, you finish with a beautiful foundation that performs better than regular options. Most companies will tell you concrete and gravel are the way to go while owners get excited about spa pads. But we believe our tough geocell performs better with permeability, durability, and affordability.

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Water goes straight into the subgrade without pooling on the surface by passing through perforation (holes). This means you can rely on the structural integrity of your hot tub base and forget about potholes.



Dispersing weight across the entire panel system, BaseCore interlocks infill material to relieve pressure off specific areas. Geocell foundations are reliable and don’t have bowed corners or crack under pressure.



BaseCore doesn’t require specialists, expensive infill, or heavy equipment to save you thousands on the foundation. Our military-strong bases are easy to install by yourself and have comparable prices to gravel.


In Stock with Same-Day Shipping

Get BaseCore shipped to your front door faster than it took for your hot tub to arrive. Trust Backyard Bases as a company that delivers on its promises, just like BaseCore does for your tub.

Build with a Better Spa Pad

While spa pads support the tub by laying on the dirt, your backyard is still susceptible to ground erosion and shifting. That’s why we engineered BaseCore: to stabilize the ground by interlocking infill materials with our honeycomb structure. Our geocell bases withstand the weight of your tub while reinforcing the ground from wind and rain.

We engineer each panel from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material that the military used in the 70s. Civil engineers from across the world rely on BaseCore’s durability and erosion control for major highways and slope embankments alike. You can trust that our geocell panels protect your hot tub and your backyard so you can enjoy them for a lifetime.


Compare Against Common Hot Tub Bases

BaseCore gives you confidence in a durable hot tub base that gets the job done right better than concrete and other options. It withstands cracking, storms, bowing, and other forces while saving you time and money. With our geocell product, you can enjoy steaming relaxation on a foundation that stands the test of time.

We stacked BaseCore against decking, concrete, and other options to see which ones really delivered as high-performance bases. There’s no question you can save thousands and purchase a stronger base with natural drainage by choosing HDPE panels. Wherever you are in the hot tub process, BaseCore has always been the top market choice.

Common Bases for Hot Tubs or Jacuzzis
Attributes Basecore Concrete Deck Spa Pad Gravel
Permeable Group 36 Group 33 Group 36 Group 36 Group 36
Strength Strong Strong May need extra support Medium Weak
Longevity Durable Durable Medium Durable Short-term
Installation Easy Expert Expert Easy Easy
Maintenance None Check for Cracking Reseal Every 3 Years None Reseal Every 2-3 years
Price $ $$$ $$$ $ $
Sub-Base No Need Group 36 No Need No Need No Need
Settle Time Drive Instantly 28 days None None 7 days

Stop Slippage and Ice Buildup

You shouldn’t have to worry about slipping during the winter when you install a permeable BaseCore foundation. It ensures water doesn’t pool or collect on the surface so it doesn’t freeze when the snow arrives. Friends and family can relax for a fun time without fearing a dangerous slip or fall on ice.

BaseCore also endures harsh winter months and brutal summer heat for year-round base protection.

Enjoy Your Hot Tub for Years to Come

Vacations and after-work relaxation with family and friends come with a reliable BaseCore foundation. Concrete, gravel, and pads put an end to the fun by driving costs and maintenance. Relax with a hassle-free geocell base that lasts 75+ years so you can soak the rest of your lives.

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