Get quick answers to our most commonly asked questions about our product, installation and recommended infill materials to create your new Backyard Base.
General Product Questions
BackyardBases are made of a thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic that is ultrasonically welded at certain intervals to create a strong ground grid.
While both are made from thick HDPE plastic, the BaseCore HD™ has much closer ultrasonic welds which creates cells. The smaller cells mean that the panels allow less disbursement of infill allowing for the same height cell to support much heavier forces.
The lifetime expectancy of BaseCore™ and BaseCore HD™ is upwards of 60 years.
Both the BaseCore™ and BaseCore HD™ panels can be trimmed easily with heavy shears or a box cutter to fit your desired size or area.
Installation Questions
Most projects are completed easily by our homeowner customers. Larger or more complex projects are completed by landscapers or contractors. We have designed Backyard Bases products to offer a solution for easy installation.
We suggest that at least two people are present to expand the BaseCore™ geocell ground grid. These grids are easily staked in place and expanded to stretch across your desired construction area.
Once you have located the desired area, we recommend leveling the area as best as possible. BaseCore™ ground grids are flexible and conform to the contours of the subgrade.
At Backyard Bases, we highly recommend the use of a non-woven geotextile fabric. We offer a packaged 6oz. thick non-woven material which can be easily trimmed to fit.
We recommend using a 1/2" rebar that is 8-12" in length. Make sure to purchase enough BaseCaps which attach perfectly to the tops of your rebar and clip around the top of the panel to secure it in place.
If the area you are covering exceeds the size of one panel, or you need to trim and reattach, you will need BaseClips. These heavy-duty plastic clips, clip the panels together more securely than zip ties.
In most applications, once your panels are filled, the stakes can be removed. In more complex or industrial applications, such as embankments or roadways, key location stakes are kept in place to secure the entire panel from shifting.
Compaction will vary based on the application. For sheds and lower trafficked areas, a hand tamper may be sufficient. For other applications, you would want to use a plate compactor and for larger areas, a roller can be used.
Infill Material Questions
You would want to use an angular rock mixture of 3/8" to 1/2" with smaller particles (fines). For the fines, we suggest no more than 10% are added to ensure solid compaction and still allow for proper drainage.
We suggest staying away from pea gravel or any similar round rock as it will not compact. Additionally, avoid clays as they will absorb moisture.
You will need enough to fill the cells with leaving 1-2 inches of overfill. This will then compact enough to cover the tops of the cells. For each panel of our product, we would recommend the following volume of aggregate:
BaseCore™: 3 yards
BaseCore HD™: 1 yard
Contact your local quarry or aggregate supply company for cost estimates.
Using sand can be done as infill material. This is typically used for foundations for patios, playsets and sheds.
Yes! Customers have used local on-site materials for infill and planted grass within the panels. While this is not recommended for all applications, but has been used for occasional parking areas, embankments and under playsets.
Have More Questions?
Feel free to review our most commonly asked questions. If you have additional questions, you are welcome to call or contact us.