Permeable driveways are eco-friendly and sustainable, but did you know they can also save you money? There are tax incentives for installing environmentally conscious landscaping. Here’s how you can get started.

The Importance of Porous Pavers & Other Eco-Friendly Landscaping

Non-permeable materials, such as concrete, do not allow water to pass through. When this material is used to pave driveways, it can block rainwater from returning to the water table underground.

Installing porous materials instead corrects this issue by allowing water to flow naturally. It protects local ecosystems, reduces flooding, and prevents water damage.

Incentives for Installing Permeable Surfaces

There are many incentives for installing sustainable driveways. Outside of the environmental benefits, they also offer many monetary advantages.

Non-porous driveways allow water to pool on the surface, which can cause staining, damage, and safety hazards. If frozen, this water can be dangerous to drive on. After heavier rainfalls, the runoff can cause property damage beyond your driveway.

Rebate Programs That Can Save You Money While Helping the Environment

To encourage the use of permeable driveways, many local governments offer incentive programs. San Diego County, for example, offers rebates of up to $15 per square foot of eco-friendly material you install. Other counties around the country also offer similar rebates. Check your city and county’s rebate programs to see what rebates you might be offered.

Some government programs are valued by the impact your project has. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, program, offers financial incentives based on your driveway’s environmental impact.

If your permeable driveway helped the city’s storm management through runoff control or reduced heat island effect, you could be entitled to compensation. Further awards are also granted to those that use recycled material for their driveway. The LEED program runs nationwide so look into what you might qualify for.

Permeable Products

Unsure what driveway materials are permeable? There is a wide range of permeable driveway options.


Gravel is one of the best options for sustainable driveways. They are inexpensive and can be locally sourced, which will reduce material transportation costs and lessen your driveway’s carbon footprint.

Gravel driveways are also easy to maintain. The only recurring costs might be to replace material that has been displaced over time.

Porous Concrete or Asphalt

Concrete and asphalt are both commonly used to construct driveways, but they are not permeable. Using porous concrete or asphalt can make your driveway more eco-friendly while keeping a traditional look to your home. This can be a great option for homeowners with a Home Owners Association.

Permeable Pavers

Permeable pavers are bricks or large stones that are laid down with space between them to allow water to pass through. These gaps are then typically filled with sand or other materials. This is a popular option for sustainable homeowners who want to maintain the curb appeal of their home.

Ready to get started on your permeable driveway? Call us at 888-897-2224 to see how we can help.