Whether you’re upgrading a private property or building a fresh commercial space, landing on the right parking lot design can make or break the long-term success of your project.

You need a parking pad solution that minimizes your costs, increases your property value, reduces the need for constant maintenance, and still manages to add a modern aesthetic to your space. And you need it fast.

That’s where grass pavers come in.

Unlike traditional concrete pavers, grass parking pads can give your property the durability and low-cost maintenance it needs, all while adding a lush green appearance to your land.

In other words, grass pavers deliver more bang for your buck, no matter what the scale of your project looks like. Here’s Why You Should Consider Grass Parking Pads for Your Next Project.

Applications for Pervious Pavers

Pervious pavers are versatile and suitable for a wide range of projects. They’re commonly used in:

  • Pathways and Trails: Ideal for constructing jogging tracks, golf cart paths, and bike lanes, offering an eco-friendly alternative that reduces runoff.
  • Residential Uses: Frequently installed in driveways and parking areas, enhancing drainage and reducing puddles.
  • Road Infrastructure: Effective for service roads, roadway shoulders, and overflow parking areas, providing a durable surface that supports water management.
  • Emergency and Access Roads: Critical for access roads, ensuring a stable and sustainable solution for emergency vehicles.
  • Industrial and Commercial Areas: Perfect for truck maintenance zones, equipment storage yards, and stabilizing construction entrances.

By utilizing pervious pavers in these applications, you enhance water management and soil stabilization while creating functional and visually appealing surfaces.

Why You Should Consider Grass Parking Pads

Easy Installation

Let’s face it, pouring a traditional concrete layout for your parking space is anything but simple.

Between enlisting qualified professionals to oversee your project and patiently waiting for the finished product to safely dry, standard concrete parking lot installation can eat away at your time and budget.

Now, thanks to the innovation of grass parking pads, you don’t have to sit around while your project lingers in limbo.

Industry-leading grass pavers, like those found at Backyard Bases, give project managers and D.I.Y-ers alike the freedom to streamline their installation process in a fraction of the time.

Lasting Durability

No matter how secure your concrete foundation is, it’s inevitable that your parking lot will endure cracks, potholes, and other damage over an extended period of time.

With a grass parking pad, you can enjoy a stable parking space for countless years to come, thanks to the durability and minimal maintenance of modern grass pavers.

Made with premium-grade high-density polyethylene, the foundation of a grass parking pad gives your heavy-duty protection against…

  • Soil erosion and environmental hazards from storm drainage
  • Ground decay from hefty vehicles including trucks, RVs, boats, and other large transportation essentials
  • Costly concrete repairs from cracks, holes, and troublesome ground disruptions

Even more importantly, grass pavers are designed to withstand the elements for up to 75 years, so you can spend less time tending to your parking lot and more time enjoying your space.

Just install, water and repeat.


When it comes to any outdoor construction project, every penny counts.

That’s why grass parking pads have soared in popularity for spaces of all sizes, giving individuals and organizations the chance to slash their installation costs and reduce their maintenance budget, one neatly installed grass paver at a time.

Of course, the impacts of these parking pads go far beyond your wallet.


Grass pavers offer an environmentally friendly solution to the growing need for sustainable parking spaces, allowing eco-systems and businesses to thrive harmoniously.

Every installed grass parking pad gives your land:

  • More support for natural balance
  • Reduced risk of flooding and water damage
  • Fewer carbon emissions used for installation
  • Less hazardous materials utilized
  • More vibrant greenery for a better quality of life

And the power to design your space on your terms.

Bold Curb Appeal

Ultimately, your new parking pad can provide so much more than just a stable place for you and your guests to keep your vehicles.

Where concrete parking lots leave little room for visual curb appeal, grass pavers add a pop of vivid green color to any outdoor space and can be crafted to suit nearly any design aesthetic.

This not only gives you a stylistic advantage over old-school parking spaces but increases the overall value of your property, whether you plan on selling down the line or not.

To put it simply, a grass parking pad is a simple addition to your property that yields lasting results you have to see to believe.

How to Install Your Grass Pavers in 6 Simple Steps

  1. Prepare your space by removing any large rocks or debris, allowing your grass paver foundation to lay evenly across the surrounding area.
  2. Install a drainage system and cut away any excess sod, so that your pavers can effortlessly siphon out water and moisture.
  3. Secure your foundation using sturdy rebar stakes on each end of your pavers.
  4. Connect each panel of your paver system and trim away any unneeded material for your space.
  5. Fill your grass pavers with the gravel or rocks of your choosing, leaving space for foliage in between panels.
  6. Plant your grass seeds and thoroughly water your parking pad to promote healthy green growth.

No complicated equipment, no costly waiting game, and no need for outside help.

That’s the grass paver difference with PaveCore

Ready to Start Your Grass Paver Project?

At Backyard Bases, we know that tackling a new construction project can be overwhelming. That’s why our team is standing by to answer any and all of your grass paver questions within 24 hours of inquiry, so you get the results you deserve fast. Get started today.