When it comes to building a shed in your backyard, one of the most crucial aspects is creating a solid foundation. A well-constructed shed base ensures that your structure remains stable, level, and free from moisture-related issues. Traditionally, concrete has been the go-to material for shed bases, but it comes with several drawbacks that make it less than ideal for many homeowners.

Concrete bases are not only expensive and time-consuming to install, but they also lack permeability. This means that water can pool around the base, leading to drainage issues and potential damage to your shed. Additionally, concrete bases can crack over time due to temperature changes and ground movement, compromising the stability of your structure.

Permeable bases, on the other hand, offer a more eco-friendly and efficient alternative to concrete. By allowing water to drain through the base material, permeable bases help prevent moisture buildup and reduce the risk of water-related damage. They also promote better soil health by allowing air and nutrients to reach the ground beneath your shed.

Introducing BaseCore geocell, a cutting-edge solution for creating strong, permeable shed bases. BaseCore geocell is a cellular confinement system that stabilizes soil and increases load-bearing capacity, making it the perfect choice for supporting your backyard shed. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using BaseCore geocell and provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a permeable shed base without the need for concrete.

What is BaseCore Geocell?

BaseCore geocell is an innovative ground stabilization product that offers a sustainable and effective solution for creating sturdy, permeable bases for various applications, including shed foundations. It is a three-dimensional, honeycomb-like structure made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a durable and recyclable material.
The geocell consists of a network of interconnected cells that confine and stabilize soil, gravel, or other infill materials. When filled, the geocell creates a strong, flexible matrix that evenly distributes the weight of the shed across the entire base. This load distribution helps prevent soil compaction and minimizes the risk of settling or shifting over time.

BaseCore geocell works by leveraging the principles of confinement and tension. The cell walls confine the infill material, preventing lateral spreading and reducing the vertical movement of particles. Simultaneously, the interconnected cells create a tension network that further stabilizes the base material, increasing its resistance to deformation under heavy loads.

There are several advantages to using BaseCore geocell for shed bases:

a. Increased load-bearing capacity: The confinement and tension properties of BaseCore geocell enable it to support heavier loads than traditional base materials, ensuring your shed remains stable and level.
b. Enhanced drainage: The permeable nature of BaseCore geocell allows water to flow through the base material, preventing moisture buildup and reducing the risk of water-related damage to your shed.
c. Easy installation: Installing a BaseCore geocell shed base is a straightforward process that requires minimal excavation and no specialized equipment, making it an ideal DIY project for homeowners.
d. Eco-friendliness: By eliminating the need for concrete, BaseCore geocell reduces the environmental impact of your shed base. The HDPE material is also recyclable, further enhancing its eco-friendly properties.

BaseCore geocell is a versatile and effective solution for creating strong, permeable shed bases that outperform traditional concrete foundations. Its unique design and material properties make it an ideal choice for homeowners looking to build a long-lasting and environmentally friendly foundation for their backyard shed.

Shed Base Construction Materials Needed

Before you begin installing your permeable shed base with BaseCore geocell, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

a. BaseCore geocell: The star of the show, BaseCore geocell, is the primary component of your permeable shed base. It comes in various sizes and depths to accommodate different shed sizes and soil conditions. Make sure to calculate the area of your shed base and purchase enough geocell to cover it entirely.
b. Gravel or crushed stone: To fill the BaseCore geocell, you’ll need gravel, specifically 3/8″ minus or crushed stone. This type of gravel is ideal for permeable bases because it allows water to drain through while providing excellent stability and load-bearing capacity. Calculate the volume of gravel needed based on the size of your shed base and the depth of the geocell.
c. Non-woven geotextile fabric: A non-woven geotextile fabric is placed beneath the BaseCore geocell to prevent the migration of fine soil particles into the gravel layer. This helps maintain the integrity of your base material and improve drainage. Ensure you have enough geotextile fabric to cover the entire excavated area, with some excess for overlapping at the edges.
d. Hand tools: To install your BaseCore geocell shed base, you’ll need a few basic hand tools:

  • Rake: For leveling and smoothing the ground before and after installing the geocell.
  • Shovel: For excavating the area and filling the geocell with gravel.
  • Level: To ensure your base is even and flat throughout the installation process.
  • Measuring tape: For accurate measurements of your shed base area and geocell placement.
  • Utility knife or scissors: To trim the geotextile fabric and geocell as needed.
  • Work gloves: To protect your hands during the installation process.

Having all these materials on hand before starting your project will ensure a smooth and efficient installation process. Don’t forget to double-check your measurements and calculations to avoid running short on any materials halfway through the project.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Permeable Shed Base with BaseCore Geocell

Now that you have all the necessary materials, it’s time to start installing your permeable shed base. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a successful installation:

  • Preparing the site
    1. Clearing the area: Begin by removing any grass, vegetation, or debris from the area where you plan to build your shed base. Make sure to clear a space that’s slightly larger than the actual size of your shed to allow for easy installation and future maintenance.
    2. Leveling the ground: Using a rake and shovel, level the ground as much as possible. Remove any high spots and fill in low areas to create an even surface. Use a level to check for any slopes or uneven areas, and address them accordingly.
  • Laying the non-woven geotextile fabric: Roll out the geotextile fabric over the entire excavated area. If you need multiple pieces of fabric, make sure to overlap the edges by at least 6 inches to prevent any gaps. Secure the fabric in place using landscape staples or pins.
  • Installing BaseCore geocell
    1. Unfolding and positioning the geocell: Unfold the BaseCore geocell and place it over the geotextile fabric. Make sure the geocell is centered on the area where you plan to build your shed. If you need to trim the geocell to fit your specific shed size, use a utility knife or scissors to cut the material as needed.
    2. Connecting the geocell sections: If your shed base requires multiple sections of geocell, connect them using the built-in snap closure system. Ensure that the connections are secure and that there are no gaps between the sections.
  • Filling the geocell with gravel or crushed stone: Once the BaseCore geocell is in place, begin filling the cells with 3/8″ minus gravel or crushed stone. Use a shovel to distribute the gravel evenly, ensuring that each cell is filled to the top. As you fill the cells, use a rake to spread the gravel and maintain a consistent depth throughout the base.
  • Leveling and compacting the surface: After filling the geocell with gravel, use a rake to level the surface, making sure there are no high or low spots. Gently compact the gravel using a hand tamper or a plate compactor to ensure a stable and even surface. Be careful not to over-compact the gravel, as this may reduce the permeability of your shed base.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your permeable shed base with BaseCore geocell is ready for your shed installation. The strong, stable, and well-draining foundation will ensure your shed remains in excellent condition for years to come.

Benefits of Using BaseCore Geocell for Shed Bases

Using BaseCore geocell for your shed base offers numerous advantages over traditional concrete foundations. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved drainage and permeability: One of the most significant advantages of using BaseCore geocell is its ability to create a permeable shed base. The interconnected cells allow water to drain through the gravel and into the soil below, preventing moisture buildup and potential water damage to your shed. This improved drainage also helps maintain the integrity of the base material, reducing the risk of settling or shifting over time.
  • Increased stability and load-bearing capacity: BaseCore geocell’s unique design and material properties enable it to distribute the weight of your shed evenly across the entire base. The confinement and tension provided by the cell walls help stabilize the gravel infill, increasing its resistance to deformation under heavy loads. This means your shed will remain level and stable, even in challenging soil conditions or during extreme weather events.
  • Eco-friendliness compared to concrete: By choosing BaseCore geocell over concrete, you’re making a more environmentally friendly choice for your shed base. The production of concrete is energy-intensive and releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change. In contrast, the HDPE material used in BaseCore geocell is recyclable and has a lower environmental impact. Additionally, the permeable nature of the geocell base helps promote better soil health and reduces the risk of erosion and runoff.
  • Easier installation process: Installing a BaseCore geocell shed base is a straightforward DIY project that requires minimal excavation and no specialized equipment. Unlike concrete, which needs to be mixed, poured, and cured, BaseCore geocell can be easily laid out and filled with gravel using basic hand tools. This not only saves you time and effort but also reduces the overall cost of your shed base installation.

In summary, BaseCore geocell offers a range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for shed bases. From improved drainage and stability to eco-friendliness and ease of installation, this innovative ground stabilization product provides a superior alternative to traditional concrete foundations.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care Tips

To ensure your BaseCore geocell shed base remains in top condition and continues to provide a stable foundation for your shed, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance and address any issues promptly. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining your permeable shed base:

  • Regular inspections: Conduct periodic inspections of your shed base, ideally at least once a year or after any significant weather events. Look for signs of settling, shifting, or damage to the geocell material. Pay attention to any unevenness in the shed floor, as this may indicate a problem with the base. Also, check for any weed growth or debris accumulation on the surface of the base, as these can impact drainage and stability.
  • Addressing any settling or shifting: If you notice any settling or shifting of the shed base during your inspections, take action quickly to prevent further damage. In most cases, minor settling can be addressed by adding more gravel to the affected area and re-leveling the surface. However, if the settling is severe or widespread, you may need to remove the shed, excavate the affected area, and reinstall the geocell and gravel.
  • Replenishing gravel or crushed stone if needed: Over time, the gravel in your shed base may settle or migrate, leading to a reduction in the overall depth of the base material. To maintain the effectiveness of your permeable base, periodically check the depth of the gravel and replenish it as needed. This is particularly important in areas with heavy rainfall or frequent freeze-thaw cycles, as these conditions can accelerate gravel migration.

In addition to these maintenance tasks, it’s crucial to avoid placing any heavy equipment or vehicles on your shed base when it is not yet filled with aggregate, as this can cause damage to the geocell and compromise the stability of the foundation.

By following these maintenance guidelines and addressing any issues promptly, you can ensure that your BaseCore geocell shed base remains in excellent condition for years to come, providing a stable and permeable foundation for your backyard shed.

How to get started building your shed base

In this blog post, we’ve explored the numerous benefits of using BaseCore geocell for creating a strong, stable, and permeable shed base. From improved drainage and increased load-bearing capacity to eco-friendliness and easy installation, BaseCore geocell offers a superior alternative to traditional concrete foundations.

By choosing a permeable shed base, you can protect your shed from moisture-related damage, ensure long-term stability, and promote better soil health in your backyard. The unique design and material properties of BaseCore geocell make it an ideal solution for homeowners looking to build a durable and environmentally friendly foundation for their shed.

We encourage you to consider permeable bases, like those created with BaseCore geocell, as a viable alternative to concrete when planning your next shed project. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of a strong and well-draining foundation, but you’ll also be making a more sustainable choice for the environment.

If you’re ready to start building your permeable shed base or want to learn more about BaseCore geocell and other ground stabilization products, visit Backyard Bases. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping homeowners find the perfect solution for their outdoor projects, and we offer a wide range of high-quality products to suit your needs.

Don’t settle for a subpar shed foundation – choose BaseCore geocell and experience the difference a permeable, stable base can make. Visit Backyard Bases today and take the first step toward creating the perfect backyard shed!